Local Issue

Take Action to Strengthen the Migratory Bird Treaty Act

Take Action to Strengthen the Migratory Bird Treaty Act

Two of our Northern Virginia Representatives (Reps. Don Beyer and Gerry Connolly) are co-sponsors of H.B. 4833, the Migratory Bird Protection Act. If you are in the district of any of Northern Virginia’s other Representatives, let them know you want them to support the bill and sign on as co-sponsors.

Governor Northam Announces Plans to Help Birds at the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel

Governor Northam Announces Plans to Help Birds at the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel

On February 14, Governor Ralph Northam announced plans to mitigate harm to 25,000 shorebirds whose nesting area has been destroyed to accommodate the expansion of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel (HRBT). The Governor’s announcement came following weeks of protests by individuals and organizations from around the country, including ASNV, the National Audubon Society and the American Bird Conservancy.