Responsible Bike Trail Development

Photo: Proposed site of the George Snyder Bike Trail, Tom Blackburn

Encouraging alternative forms of transportation is important for combating the problems of climate change, but irresponsible trail design and construction can have devastating effects on important natural habitat.

  • NVBA has adopted criteria for bicycle and multi-use trails and encourages local authorities to put them into effect. Read the criteria.

  • NVBA recommended that Fairfax County include responsible bike trail standards in its Active Transportation and Trail Network Map. Read the recommendations.

  • NVBA recommended that Arlington County include responsible trail standards in its Transportation Plan. Read our comments.

  • NVBA has opposed the creation of the George Snyder Trail in Fairfax City through one of the last sections of urban forest remaining in the city. The trail would devastate the forest with large amounts of fill dirt added in some areas and large amounts of soil removed to level the trail. It would require cutting down 600 mature trees. Read our testimony on the harm the proposed trail would do.