Reducing Light Pollution: Complete the Town of Vienna's Outdoor Lighting Survey

Photo: Purple Martins, Keith Kingdon/Audubon Photography Awards

Have you ever been bothered by glare and over-bright lights from streetlights, commercial businesses or nearby residences? If you live in Vienna or visit shops or restaurants there, this is your opportunity to weigh in by taking the town's survey seeking input on lighting in the town.

Your answers to the survey can encourage the town to adopt an ordinance that reduces light pollution. Light pollution, the inappropriate or excessive use of artificial light, has adverse human health consequences and also affects birds and other wildlife by disrupting their circadian rhythms, reducing the availability of food and contributing to increased mortality of their young. Lights should comply with the the Five Principles for Responsible Outdoor Lighting developed by DarkSky International and the Illuminating Engineering Society. You can fill out the survey here. The deadline for survey submissions is February 28.