Calling all Birders: It’s time to get ready for Birdathon 2025!
How does it work? Like a walk-a-thon, Birdathon participants collect pledges from friends and family via their team page on our website. Then participants record how many species they can identify during any 24-hour period between April 19 and May 18.
Last year’s winning team saw 127 species in 24 hours! Wow! Can you beat it?
Birdathon helps NVBA to support outdoor education, citizen science, habitat conservation, and programs to encourage people to plant native plants and protect native wildlife. Birdathon also helps ornithologists better understand spring migration by reporting sightings through eBird, an online database of bird observations run by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
All birding levels are welcome. Participants can bird alone or form teams of up to five. All team members donate and/or secure pledges. Participants can solicit general donations or ask for pledges based on the number of species or the number of individual birds sighted. Sightings and donations are due no later than May 31, 2025. Report your Birdathon sightings on eBird and email your list to us.
New! Birdathon at home! Now you can participate without ever leaving home. Birding in a hammock still counts as birding. Gather a few friends or neighbors and show off the bounty of birds that visit your backyard. Join us on March 20 for a free webinar to learn how to identify backyard birds. Sign up here.
We also want your stories! When you go out with your team, please snap a few pictures - we want to see your team all together and your team in action. Share your photos with us and tell us about your team’s experience - funny moments, amazing discoveries, feats of endurance or unexpected birds. You might even take a few video snippits! We will share selected stories from the teams on our website and on social media.
Ready to get started? Register your team below and check out our Birdathon rules. And here are some great birding tips and notes on peak migration here in the D.C. area from Greg Butcher to help get you started. You can see last year’s team list here.
Meet the competition! Join us on Sunday, March 23 from 2:30 - 4:30 PM for our Alliance Afternoon. Matt Felperin will be giving us a Warbler Bootcamp to get us all ready for Birdathon.
Want to learn more? Watch this FREE webinar about Competitive Birding and Birdathon with ornithologist Greg Butcher.
Fundraising made easy: Each team will get graphics they can post on social media, templates they can modify for asking for donations via email, talking points for asking for pledges in person and more! Stay tuned.
Help us promote! Share this webpage with your social media, or print this pamphlet to bring to your next bird walk to help us get the word out!
Prize Categories:
“Most Species Counted”
“Most Money Raised”
“Youth Birder” (all members must be under age 25) competitions
“Most Species Counted by a New Team” - all members on the team must be new to the Birdathon competition to be eligible to win.
“Widest Age Range on a Team” - whichever team has the largest age range on their team will win a prize. Get your kids and grandparents involved!
“Backyard Birdathon” - most species counted in one day on a single residential property.
Prizes: All participants and their supporters are invited to join us at our Audubon Afternoon in June for our Annual Meeting to celebrate the winners. Participants on the winning team of each category will get to select their choice of one of our fine prizes: an NVBA hat, tote or t-shirt, a local guide to butterflies or dragonflies, or a free ticket to an upcoming paid NVBA program, plus bragging rights!
Sign-up as Team Captain
Thank you for your interest in Birdathon! Please register below to get the invite to set up your team's page on donorbox. You will be able to edit your team's page, add a photo, and customize the message donors get after they give.