NVBA publishes the Potomac Flier each month. Our newsletter includes updates from the organization, local conservation stories, upcoming classes, events and bird walks, and other information of interest to our members. Our current newsletter is below.

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August 2024 Potomac Flier
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August 2024

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President's Corner

Northern Virginia Bird Alliance Logo

We are proud to announce our new name – the Northern Virginia Bird Alliance. Members at our June 9 meeting voted overwhelmingly to adopt the name. We have some work to do to complete the transition, but have already adopted a new logo. We hope you like it as much as we do.

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To Spray or Not To Spray?

Carolina Chickadee, Randy Streufert/Audubon Photography Awards

Recently, we were confronted by the question of whether a yard where the homeowner has taken many steps to improve habitat can be certified as a Wildlife Sanctuary when the homeowner also employs a regular mosquito spraying service. We reviewed the evidence and decided that the answer is no: broadcast spraying for mosquitoes is not consistent with creating a functioning wildlife sanctuary in one’s yard. 

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Stretch Our Parks is Working with Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge

Volunteers pull invasive plants at OBNWR, Tina Dudley

The Northern Virginia Bird Alliance (NVBA, formerly Audubon Society of Northern Virginia) has been associated with Occoquan Bay for over 30 years, conducting regular bird, insect, and plant surveys on the Refuge grounds and providing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) staff with valuable data for making decisions about Refuge management. 

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More News

Good News for Stafford County Wildlife

Overlook at Accokeek Bottomlands at Crow's Nest Natural Area Preserve, courtesy of VDCR

The Virginia (DCR) announced on July 10 that it has added more than 200 acres of ecologically significant upland forest and forested wetlands along Accokeek Creek in Stafford County to Crow’s Nest Natural Area Preserve.

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Good Hedges Make Good Neighbors

Plantings as a boundary, Margaret Fisher

A mixed hedge consisting of native plant species has the added value of supporting the songbirds in our communities. Privacy screens don’t always work out as planned, though, so here are a few considerations for creating and maintaining them.

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Local Volunteers Boost Bluebirds, Monitor Nestboxes

Eastern Bluebirds, Michael Thomas/Audubon Photography Awards

The Eastern Bluebird is a comeback story and some Northern Virginians are helping tell the story.

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NVBA Partners with Fairfax Invasive Removal Alliance


Our organization, Northern Virginia Bird Alliance (NVBA), has entered into a partnership with the recently-formed Fairfax Invasive Removal Alliance (FIRA).

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Monthly Features

Observations from Meadowood

White-lined Sphinx Moth, Judy Gallagher

Judy Gallagher is a long-time participant in the Meadowood Recreation Area survey. Here are some of her findings.   

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Wildlife Sanctuary Almanac: Water in Your Home Habitat

Gray Catbird, Steven Biegler/Audubon Photography Awards

Each month we'll feature timely tips and observations about engaging with nature through the seasons in your own personal wildlife sanctuary.

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Upcoming Classes and Events

We have some exciting classes and events coming up, both virtually and in-person! Click any event to learn more and register. You can also check our calendar for our full schedule of events.

Northern Virginia Native Plants for Landscape Professionals Conference

Solidago sp., Margaret Fisher

This conference is for professionals in the landscaping industry only (landscape designers, landscape architects, crews, growers, nurseries, landscape maintenance, property managers, builders, etc.). 

When: Tuesday, August 13, 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Where: Merrifield Garden Center, 12101 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22030
Fee: $35

Bird Walks

Birding, Camila Cerea
Check this page for upcoming walks! Registration is no longer required for ASNV-sponsored walks.

Monday Nature Mystery

Red-backed Salamander, Judy Gallagher

Monday Nature Mystery continues! Read on to learn who correctly identified our last mystery and see what this week's mystery holds.

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Conservation Counts

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Rusty Moran

Join Jim Waggener in his ongoing natural resource surveys at two of Northern Virginia's best birding spots. Surveys alternate between Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge and Meadowood Special Recreation Management Area on Mason Neck.

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E-Activist Network: Volunteers Needed

The National Audubon Society invites all Auduboners to join its e-activist network. When you subscribe to the Society’s newsletter, you'll receive alerts about important congressional actions and information about how you can affect legislation by contacting your members of Congress.  https://www.audubon.org/
Copyright © 2024 Northern Virginia Bird Alliance, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
Northern Virginia Bird Alliance
11100 Wildlife Center Drive
Ste. 100
Reston, VA 20190

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