Community Outreach — Northern Virginia Bird Alliance

As a conservation-minded organization, NVBA offers many programs to both its membership and the general public. Alliance Afternoons are family-friendly, free programs that feature native birds and interesting speakers, while our presentations are a great way to introduce conservation to your group or organization.

Educational Resources

Common Birds of Northern Virginia

Download a FREE pdf of Florence McBride’s book here! The book is copyrighted and may be shared free of charge digitally or as (self-printed) hard copy for non-commercial personal and educational use.

UPDATE: A team of NVBA volunteers has translated Florence McBride’s book into Spanish!

As with the English version, the digital picture book on local birds, tailored to beginners, is available free of charge on the NVBA website. Useful links to Spanish-language and English-language bird-related websites is included.

The copyright and sharing protocols are the same as those for the English version.

The Spanish-language in pdf format may be downloaded here. We hope this translation of Florence McBride’s book builds on the original outreach and expands the range of educators and beginning birders inspired to learn more about our local birds!

Nextgen Birders for Conservation

Four members of Nextgen enjoy a Birding by Ear Field Trip in Spring 2022.

Our initiative to engage the next generation of birders & conservationists - this group is organized on meetup and targets birders 18-45 (though all are welcome).

The group meets for casual / social bird outings, board game events, volunteer opportunities and also tags along to existing NVBA or NVBC walks.

Visit the group on to join and see upcoming events and follow us on instagram.

Alliance Afternoons

Alliance Afternoons are free, public programs offered four times a year on topics ranging from current conservation issues, live bird programs, travel and author presentations. Join us for our next event!

Past Audubon Afternoon topics:

Speaker and Tabling Requests

Northern Virginia Bird Alliance provides speakers, staffs tables at events and/or provides materials for organizations interested in our mission and programs. Please use this form to make your request and submit it at least two weeks before your event.   

We will follow up with you to schedule stating whether or not we can meet your request and to discuss details to ensure a successful event.


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