Liz Train

Liz Train is a co-coordinator of the Audubon at Home Program for Fairfax County and is also an Audubon at Home Ambassador. Liz is a certified Virginia Master Naturalist (Fairfax Chapter) and a certified Virginia Extension Master Gardener (Fairfax- Green Spring Gardens Unit).  She is an active volunteer in northern Virginia, supporting numerous educational and stewardship programs for Fairfax County Park Authority, Fairfax County Public Schools, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, and the annual USGS Breeding Bird Survey.  Liz leads two Virginia Master Naturalist training cohorts annually as co-chair of the training committee for the Fairfax Master Naturalists and additionally actively participates in the annual training of Extension Master Gardeners.

Liz’s motivation to be involved in environmental work is grounded in her belief that we all play a critical role in mitigating the effects of climate change, that no measure is too small, and understanding the basic principles of what it takes to create a healthy habitat for wildlife is an important tool for every homeowner.  Improving our Chesapeake Bay watershed water, soil and air quality and increasing biodiversity are central to the work Liz does. Liz resides in Fairfax County.

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