Tami Sheiffer

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Tami Sheiffer is the Fairfax County Coordinator for the Wildlife Sanctuary program. She was a Wildlife Sanctuary Ambassador before becoming a coordinator. She is also a Fairfax Master Naturalist and certified Virginia Master Naturalist. Tami works for the Fairfax County Park Authority as the coordinator of a community education program called Watch the Green Grow.

Tami grew up in the Hudson Valley near the Catskill Mountains in New York. She first moved to Virginia to attend graduate school at the University of Virginia, where she met her husband. As a military spouse she has moved a few more times since then, but Tami has lived in Fairfax County with her husband and three children for most of the time since 2013.

Tami enjoys teaching people--from homeowners to schoolchildren--how to protect nature. Her environmental work is motivated by a desire to halt climate change as well as to protect animal habitats, promote biodiversity, and improve water quality. Tami is happy to help homeowners conserve and restore natural habitat and biodiversity in their yards through the Wildlife Sanctuary program. 

Get in touch with Tami using the form below.