Jerry Touval

Jerry retired in January 2022 from a 44-year career in conservation. He started out in the late 1970s as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Honduras, where he was a member of a national watershed survey team. After returning to the US, he worked as a wildlife biologist for the Bureau of Land Management, and then as an International Affairs Specialist for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, where he led annual workshops for Latin American biologists on migratory bird conservation. Wanting to make a career change away from the government and towards the private sector, Jerry spent the next 27 years with The Nature Conservancy’s Latin America Program in several different positions, including Colombia Country Program Director and Latin America Science Director.

After so many years working on international conservation projects, for his retirement Jerry chose to focus on doing what he could for conservation in his own backyard, Northern Virginia. He is thrilled to be able to do that as a Board member of NVBA. 

Get in touch with Jerry using the contact form below.