U.S. 1 Changes Bring Environmental Opportunities

Photo: Bru-nO via Pixabay

Two historic development projects are underway on U.S. 1 (called Richmond Highway there) in the Mount Vernon area of Fairfax County ; the widening of the highway and a redevelopment called “Embark.” These projects will make major changes to the corridor.

Draft design guidelines now posted offer an opportunity to make this redevelopment more environmentally friendly. Possible examples: more daylighting of streams, improved stream buffers, more connectivity or conservation corridors, more native plants and trees, natural landscaping, bird-safe windows and reduced impervious surfaces.

You can comment on the draft guidelines before January 20, 2020 and read them here.

Background from the County: With the adoption of the Embark Comprehensive Plan in March 2018, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors directed staff to develop urban design guidelines for the Richmond Highway corridor. The guidelines complement the Embark Plan by providing detailed urban design and streetscape guidance. Citizens, developers, county staff, Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors will consult the guidelines when designing or reviewing development projects. The guidance presented in the document is not “one size fits all" requirements but is designed to be adaptable to site-specific conditions and to encourage revitalization through innovative solutions.

Over the past year, the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Development has invited stakeholders to participate in the creation of guidelines for the Richmond Highway corridor in a variety of ways. A kick-off design workshop was held in December 2018. A series of pop-up events to seek input on initial concepts were held this past spring in the Mount Vernon Plaza, combined with an online survey that recorded additional feedback. In November and December, presentations were made on the draft guidelines to nearly a dozen community association groups and at local organization meetings. Throughout the process, an Advisory Group comprised of community members, local organization leaders and property owners met periodically to discuss and evaluate ideas. 

Next Steps: Where appropriate, the guidelines will be revised based upon community input received on this draft. The revised document will be presented for endorsement to the Board of Supervisors in early 2020.  It will then be made available online for use during the development process.