Virginia General Assembly

The legislature met on April 22 to consider Governor Ralph Northam’s proposed amendments, vetoes and changes in the budget. Governor Northam has proposed freezing or reversing all new funding added by the legislature in its session earlier this year. The coronavirus has put many environmental initiatives at risk.

Governor Northam signed into law the landmark Clean Economy Act, a plan to move the state to 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2045, establish energy efficiency standards for electricity use, incentivize rooftop solar generation and encourage offshore wind development.

Check the Virginia Conservation Network’s web site for more updates.

Every year, the General Assembly usually sends 800-odd bills to the Governor who can sign them, veto them, or amend them. This year was a bit different – a record 1,291 bills were sent to the Governor who signed 1,188 of the bills -- 92% of the 1,291 we sent him -- directly into law.