Fairfax County General Assembly Delegation’s Pre-2020 Session Public Hearing

Photo: Andreas Breitling via Pixabay

The Fairfax County delegation to the General Assembly will hold a hearing for public comment regarding the upcoming 2020 session on Saturday, January 4 at 9 AM in the board room of the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax. Parking is available in front of the Government Center Building. Fairfax County is assisting with the logistics of the delegation’s event. The deadline for signing up to speak has passed. The hearing will be televised live on Fairfax County Television Channel 16 (Channel 1016 in HD on Cox; Channel 16 on Verizon or Comcast), and can also be viewed online through the Channel 16 stream.

Further information on the public hearing is available from members of the Fairfax County legislative delegation. Contact information for individual delegation members is available on the Virginia General Assembly web page.