What Happened to the Northern Virginia Bird Survey?

Photo: Red-winged Blackbird Chicks, Dixie Sommers

ASNV has held the Northern Virginia Bird Survey every June since 1994, providing a picture of the trends over 25 years on the number and species of breeding birds in our area. 

Sadly, we could not run the 2020 survey because of the pandemic. The survey requires obtaining permits from several parks and refuges, which were closed when we would have been requesting permits. We would have been organizing teams of counters when pandemic conditions for June were unknown. 

We plan to resume the survey in 2021. If you are interested in becoming a survey counter, please contact us. We are looking for birders with some experience who can identify our common Northern Virginia birds by both sight and sound, and who have good hearing. 

ASNV thanks Carolyn Williams, who has retired from the survey, for her many years of managing, counting, recording and other work on the survey.