July 2020

Photo: Bay View Trail at Mason Neck State Park, VA Dept. of Conservation and Recreation

Tom Blackburn

The covid-19 pandemic had the unexpected result of showing people how important outdoor spaces are for easing the stress of lost jobs, closed schools and worries about infection. But there was another side to the sudden enthusiasm for nature. One Northern Virginia park that remained open had five times its normal number of visitors in April and May. Another local park experienced ten times the number of visitors they had planned on. The number of people venturing into the outdoors for exercise and solace, although soothing and stress-releasing for them, has conversely contributed to more stress on the parks. 

As we transition to Phase Three of reopening in Virginia, please “give back” to parks and other outdoor spaces so they can continue to provide the benefits that are so important to us. Good environmental stewardship involves more than simply following the "Leave No Trace" principles of outdoor activity. It also includes taking action to improve our environment. State and county budgets have been hard-hit by the economic downturn caused by the virus. It is inevitable that park budgets will be substantially affected, making it even more important for all of us who enjoy the outdoors to do our part to sustain and improve it. Here are a few things you could do as a steward of the environment:

  • Take a small bag with you when you hike, paddle our waterways or birdwatch, and pick up trash as you go.  The Cache In Trash Out initiative of the geocaching community is a great example of how to leave nature better than you found it.  

  • Volunteer to help at a local park. You can plant native plants, remove invasive species, restore trails that were damaged by heavy usage or take on jobs that the parks no longer have the financial resources to perform.  Fairfax County’s Opportunity Search page currently lists more than 300 volunteer opportunities, most of them in county parks. You can also find opportunities to volunteer on the websites for Arlington, Loudoun and Prince William Counties, as well as the websites for other counties and cities. Most of these jobs can be done while maintaining social distancing.     

  • Donate to nonprofit organizations that help protect and enhance the environment. Donations are a great way to help if you can’t get out and do “hands on” work.  

Taking care of yourself and others in our community is the most important effort during the pandemic.  But if you can also help to sustain and improve our environment, please do your part to help. Taking care of nature is everyone’s responsibility.