ASNV Resumes the Northern Virginia Bird Survey with New Coordinator

Photo: Camilla Cerea

Remember the Northern Virginia Bird Survey (NVBS), ASNV’s long-running survey of breeding birds in our region? We are busy getting ready for the 2021 survey, after cancelling last year’s data collection because of the pandemic. 

Elizabeth Krone.jpg

We are very happy to have Elizabeth Krone as the NVBS coordinator. You may remember Elizabeth from her assistance on this year’s Winter Waterfowl Count. She brings to the NVBS experience as a field biologist in Hawai’i on the endangered Palila, as well as work in our region on Bald Eagle and other avian monitoring projects, and in wetlands and wildlife habitat. Elizabeth has a master’s degree in environmental and resource policy from the George Washington University, and a biology degree from Towson University.  

To prepare for the 2021 survey, which will take place in June, we are contacting volunteers from prior surveys, recruiting additional volunteers as needed, organizing and distributing the survey materials and training our volunteers. If you are an experienced birder and want to help, watch for announcements on our website and social media, or contact Elizabeth at

The NVBS started in 1994 and provides information on trends for breeding birds in our area. Many of these species have declined over the last 25 years, although some have fared well and others have recovered from population crashes, such as Bald Eagles and American Crows. Continuing to document these birds helps us understand the state of the birds in Northern Virginia and informs decisions about habitat protection.