Youth Education Mini-grants - Last Chance to Apply is April 1!

Photo: Huntley Meadows youth nature drawing class, Margaret Wohler

Are you an educator with a great idea for a bird-related conservation project with your students?  Every year, the Youth Education Committee of ASNV sponsors a mini-grant program to support teachers, schools, and non-profit organizations in youth-oriented education about birds and the environment. The committee is pleased to offer three mini-grants of up to $500 each for 2022. 

Funding may be used to support Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs), professional development, field trips, speakers and admission fees, equipment, transportation, trees, plants, etc. All projects must include an educational component and be completed by December 31, 2022 by submitting a one-paragraph summary and photos of the finished project to

The application form for the mini-grants can be found here. Deadline for applications is April 1. Please contact Youth Education with questions about the Youth Education Mini-Grant program.