Birds of Northern Virginia

Recovery of the Peregrine Falcon – A Conservation Success Story

Recovery of the Peregrine Falcon – A Conservation Success Story

In July, 2015, two Peregrine Falcon chicks were found on Market Street in Reston Town Center (RTC). They were taken to the Raptor Conservancy of Virginia and safely released into the wild.  No one realized Peregrine Falcons nested in Reston but the chicks prompted a discovery that two adult peregrines were nesting in RTC.

Bird of the Month: Turkey Vulture

Bird of the Month: Turkey Vulture

Turkey vultures, also known as turkey buzzards, are a common sight throughout the state of Virginia. As one of the most widespread birds in the western hemisphere, their range extends west to California and south to the tip of South America. Turkey vultures are often seen gliding on thermals, buoyed by a wingspan that can reach up to seven feet.