Photo: CBC participants Mehika and Deapesh Misra at Upper Occoquan polishing pond
Phil Silas, Compiler
The results of the 43rd annual Manassas-Bull Run Christmas Bird Count are in! Over seventy birders counted 17,591 birds of 79 species in this 15-mile diameter circle on December 15, 2024. There were 35 parties of field observers. They were led by experts but included birders of all skill levels. The day was cool and overcast with some drizzle toward mid-day.
Swamp Sparrow, Chuck Wood/Audubon Photography Awards
Ring-necked Duck, Mike Wood/Audubon Photography Awards
Ruby-crowned Kinglets numbered 36, and Winter Wrens numbered 26, which passed the respective high counts of 32 and 22 from all our previous counts.
The waterfowl had a few notable records as 83 Ring-necked Ducks were observed, which is 40 more than our previous high count. A single American Wigeon showed on a previous year’s count; this year’s count recorded two. Gadwall approached the record high of 50 with a count of 47.
Sparrows were a delight with Swamp Sparrows surpassing last year’s record of 40 by 1. White-throated Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos had strong numbers of 1,624 and 1,359, respectively. We don’t see the American Tree Sparrow and Fox Sparrow every year, so it was nice to record six and seven sightings, respectively. Northern Cardinals were just 11 off the record 877 observed just last year. Notably absent was the Common Grackle that had been super abundant on this count just two years ago.
Each of the six sectors observed at least one species unique to the count. Sector 1 had Eastern Phoebe; Sector 2 had Sharp-shinned Hawk; Sector 3 had Common Merganser, American Herring Gull, and Red-breasted Nuthatch; Sector 4 had Bufflehead; Sector 5 had Wild Turkey and Brown-headed Cowbird; and Sector 6 had Northern Shoveler, American Wigeon, Lesser Scaup, and American Tree Sparrow.
Thanks to all who participated, especially my fellow sector leaders -- Robin Duska Huff, Greg Butcher, Toby Hardwick, and Robert Mocko. Mark your calendars for the 44th count December 14, 2025. The spreadsheet with all the data by sector is linked here.