President's Corner

Photo: Yellow-throated Warber, Matt Felperin

Libby Lyons

With my snowdrops blooming this week I know spring is just around the corner. And even if there’s no guarantee of consistent warmth in the near future, if you’re like me, you’re starting to look forward to more time outside, looking for birds and planting some more native plants. Even better, how about making a commitment to join in some NVBA activities?

Our work is powered by our volunteers with direction from (and many hours of participation by) our NVBA committees. To encourage you to get involved, we would like to introduce you to those committees and the work they do.

So please join us on Sunday, March 23, first for an Alliance Afternoon presentation by Matt Felperin, a Warbler Bootcamp to prepare you for spring migration. Then you will have an opportunity to meet representatives of our many active committees and learn how you can help them help NVBA accomplish its mission of engaging all northern Virginia communities in enjoying, conserving, and restoring nature for the benefit of birds, other wildlife, and people. 

Learn how you can contribute to public education through our publications and website, to conservation through Stretch Our Parks or citizen science, to better government through advocacy, and much more. Committee representatives will be on hand to answer your questions, explain where we need help, and, we hope, sign you up for a more active engagement with our programs and projects.

The event is at our office in Reston, from 2:30-4:30. You can read more about it here. Registration is voluntary, but if you register we’ll send you an email reminder. I hope to see all of you there.