Photo: Northern Harrier, Aleksandar Baba-Vulic/Audubon Photography Awards
We are pleased to announce the winner of our most recent Monday Nature Mystery, John Moyle!
Congratulations to John for identifying the Northern Harrier (Circus hudsonius).
Northern Harrier, Aleksandar Baba-Vulic/Audubon Photography Awards
All About Birds suggests you look for harriers in wide-open grasslands, marshes, or fields. You’re most likely to notice Northern Harriers when they are flying. Note the low, slow, coursing flight style, the bird’s V-shaped wing posture, and its white rump. During migration in the fall and spring, you also can see harriers high in the sky over mountain ridges and coastlines. Northern Harriers are the most owl-like of hawks (though they’re not related to owls). They rely on hearing as well as vision to capture prey.
Each Monday we’ll post a new mystery and identify the previous week’s winner. They’ll receive an ASNV hat or tote bag.
Here is this week’s mystery:
Who is this?
Be sure to post your guess on our Facebook page under the latest Monday Nature Mystery post, and make sure you receive our emails to find out the winner and mystery answer each week. Good Luck!
Please check our guidelines here.
Monday Nature Mystery: Who is this? Photo: Judy Gallagher