Monday Mystery - January 1, 2024

Photo:  American Wigeon, Judy Gallagher

We are pleased to announce the winner of last week’s Monday Nature Mystery, Judy Dority!

Congratulations to Judy for identifying this American Wigeon (Mareca americana).

American Wigeon, Judy Gallagher

According to All About Birds, breeding males have a green eye patch and a conspicuous white crown, earning them the nickname "baldpate." Females are brushed in warm browns with a gray-brown head and a smudge around the eye. Noisy groups congregate during fall and winter, plucking plants with their short gooselike bill from wetlands and fields or nibbling plants from the water's surface. Despite being common their populations are declining. Learn more about how to identify ducks in our free webinar this month.

Each Monday we’ll post a new mystery and identify the previous week’s winner. They’ll receive an ASNV hat or tote bag. 

Here is this week’s mystery:
Who is this?

Be sure to post your guess on our Facebook page under the latest Monday Nature Mystery post. Good Luck!

Please check our guidelines here.

Monday Nature Mystery: Who is this? Photo: Judy Gallagher