Monday Mystery - October 31

Photo: Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Dana Greindl/Audubon Photography Awards

We are pleased to announce the winner of last week’s Monday Nature Mystery, Cathy Crosby Grose!

Congratulations to Cathy for identifying the female Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus).

Female Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Dana Greindl/Audubon Photography Awards

According to All About Birds, these birds build such flimsy nests that eggs are often visible from below through the nest bottom. The male Rose-breasted Grosbeak takes a turn incubating the eggs for several hours during the day, while the female incubates the rest of the day and all night long. Both sexes sing quietly to each other when they exchange places.

Each Monday we’ll post a new mystery and identify the previous week’s winner. They’ll receive an ASNV hat or tote bag. 

Here is this week’s mystery:
Who was this? Happy Halloween!

Be sure to post your guess on our Facebook page under the latest Monday Nature Mystery post. Good Luck!

Please check our guidelines here.

Monday Nature Mystery: Who was this? Photo: Wikimedia user Sklmsta