Monday Mystery - May 30

Photo: Hanging Thief, Bill Young

We are pleased to announce the winner of last week’s Monday Nature Mystery, Grant West!

Congratulations to Grant for correctly identifying the Hanging Thief.

Last Week's mystery: Hanging Thief. Photo: Bill Young

According to Insect Identification’s website, the Hanging Thief is a type of Robber Fly in the genus Diogmites. This carnivore eats other flying insects by hanging around until its prey flies by. It eats biting flies, dragonflies, and other flying insects. When flying, it makes a loud whirring noise by beating its wings very quickly! 

Each Monday we’ll post a new mystery and identify the previous week’s winner. They’ll receive an ASNV hat or tote bag. 

Here is this week’s mystery:
I’m a common butterfly but you might not recognize my ventral side! The ventral side is the underside of the wing that you see when a butterfly’s wings are closed. 

Be sure to post your guess on our Facebook page under the latest Monday Nature Mystery post. Good Luck!

Please check our guidelines here.

Monday Nature Mystery: Who is this? Photo: Judy Gallagher