Hog Island Audubon Camp News

Photo: Puffin desserts at Hog Island, Kirk Treakle

Last month we announced the winner of our Hog Island Scholarship for teachers, Phoebe Riegle, a fifth-grade teacher at William Ramsey Elementary School in Alexandria, VA. Unfortunately, she will not have the opportunity to attend “Sharing Nature: An Educator’s Week” this year. Hog Island Audubon Camp cancelled their summer programs out of concern for the health and safety of campers, volunteers and staff during the Covid-19 pandemic. ASNV is postponing Phoebe’s scholarship until the summer of 2021 when we hope she’ll have an opportunity to visit this unique island. 

Even though camp is closed, the popular Hog Island wildlife cams are still operating. While you are watching the Ospreys, Atlantic Puffins and Black Guillemots you might want to try making the Hog Island kitchen’s famous Cream Puffin Pastries, traditionally served on the last night of each camp session.