Create Your Own Holiday Birdseed Wreath

Photo: Suet Wreath, Deidra Bryant

By Deidra Bryant

Happy holidays! It's almost that time of year again, and I for one am very excited to celebrate. Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. Growing up on Long Island, I’ve always loved the twinkling lights, the window displays, and the fun winter activities like ice skating, watching live performances in theatres and drinking hot chocolate under the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. The decorations are my absolute favorite aspect of this magical time of year, and although I live in Virginia now, I still believe Christmastime in New York will always be one of a kind! 

Families might be spending the holidays a little bit differently this year. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t cherish loved ones and spread cheer within the home this season. There are still plenty of fun and interactive activities you can do with your family at home. One activity in particular is fun for individuals of all ages – especially if they enjoy bird watching.

Wreath-making is a popular activity around this time of year. I’ve made a few in the past using wire, bows, picks and evergreen clippings. However, you can also make enticing holiday wreaths within your home featuring fresh berries and wild bird seed to attract winter birds.

You will need: 

  • A Bundt pan

  • 3 cups of wild bird seed

  • 1 lb. of suet

  • Fresh cranberries

  • ¾ cup of dried cranberries

  • ¾ cup of unsalted roasted peanuts

  • Raffia

  • Large decorative ribbon

  • A sauce pan and mixing bowl

  • Freezer with space

  • Coconut oil (optional)

  • Evergreen clippings

  • A tree with sturdy branches

Break up the suet into tiny blocks and heat it over low heat until it’s nice and melted. This will help bind everything together, along with providing the necessary fats for birds. If you melt it over high heat the room can get smokey.

  1. While that is going, mix the nuts, birdseed and dried cranberries in a mixing bowl. Once the suet is melted, add it to the mixing bowl and stir. Essentially, you want the suet mixture to be well incorporated so it can firm up nicely in the freezer. You can add a bit of coconut oil to the mixture if you'd like as well.

  2. In the bundt pan, place your fresh cranberries on the bottom, then gently scoop out the contents of the mixing bowl into the bundt pan, and press down firmly. Then place more fresh cranberries on top. If you have a particular design in mind, go for it!

  3. Once that is done, place the bundt pan in the freezer and let it sit overnight. Once it’s firm to the touch, take it out of the freezer and wait about 10 minutes before trying to remove the mixture from the pan. It should slide out pretty easily.

  4. Now, find your evergreen clippings and tie them onto the top of your wreath using raffia. A second set of hands are very helpful here. I like to use Eastern Red Cedar, but you can use American Holly, White Pine or anything you wish!

  5. Find a suitable place that is sheltered from rain or snow pileup and feed your large ribbon through the loop and hang it up. Make sure the location you choose isn’t in direct sun. Finally, step back and wait for colorful songbirds to nibble on your beautiful creation! Also, make sure that you hang your arrangement when the weather is below or close to freezing so that it doesn't fall apart!!

I like to set up a camera close by so that I can watch birds fly in and livestream it on my television or computer and share the experience with friends and family members elsewhere. However, you can also watch visiting birds from a distance outside. Either way, this activity is sure to create fun memories for you and your family.