Apply for a Conservation Grant!

Photo: Maggie Starbard

Audubon Society of Northern Virginia is offering Conservation Grants of up to $4,000. We are primarily interested in habitat improvement projects that combine the following features:

  1. Native plants that attract birds and/or pollinators

  2. An educational component – aimed at students, adults, or the general public

  3. A demonstration project that can be emulated by others

  4. A long-term commitment to maintain the project for multiple years

  5. In northern Virginia

Special consideration will be given to projects near the Potomac River or its tributaries and projects on public lands or with high public access.

Email Greg Butcher if you have questions about putting together a project. Successful applicants will be asked to sign a contract agreeing to specific obligations.

Deadline is April 30, 2021 but feel free to start now! Use our online form to apply.