Christmas Bird Count 2023

Photo: Carolina Chickadee, Jeff Drake/Great Backyard Bird Count

The 124th Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will take place between this December 14 and January 5, 2024. General information about the CBC is available on the Audubon website.

ASNV sponsors the Manassas-Bull Run CBC, which will be held for the 42nd year on Sunday, December 17. Those who participated in our count last December will to be contacted no later than Thanksgiving. Anyone who would like to participate in this count but did not participate last year should contact the compiler, Phil Silas, at, or 703-987-0817, as soon as possible but not later than December 8. 

Information on other local CBCs that you may be interested in is available in the November 2023 issue of The Siskin, the newsletter of the Northern Virginia Bird Club. Look for the list on page 3.

If you have any questions or concerns about participating in this fun and very useful annual event, you can email or call Phil Silas.