Invitation to Celebrate Trees!

Photo: Oak leaves, max1-2-3 via Pixabay

Fall is for planting trees. The lowering of temperatures and frequent rains makes it easier for trees to get established. Even after they drop their leaves, their roots continue to grow while the soil is warm, so they are able to survive, and thrive, by the time next summer’s heat and humidity and (often) drought roll around.

This fall is for celebrating trees as well as planting them. Plant NoVa Natives is launching a PLANT NOVA TREES campaign that will continue for five years, according to Margaret Fisher, PNN’s Outreach Coordinator.  

The new campaign aims to make it easy for homeowners to plant native trees in their yards, in hope that as many as 100,000 or 200,000 Northern Virginians will do so. PNN has partnered with 21 garden centers to put tags identifying native trees on their stock.  

The campaign is kicking off with a Celebration of Trees this fall. We hope you’ll join in, and celebrate trees by planting a tree in your own yard. Not sure which native tree species might be suitable? Request a visit here from an Audubon at Home Ambassador, who can advise on native trees and other plantings which are suitable for site conditions in your yard, and will attract and support wildlife. Or maybe you’d like to really go for it, and install a “mini-forest” in your yard—read Meghan Fellow’s excellent article here.  

“Mini-forest,” Meghan Fellows

“Mini-forest,” Meghan Fellows

Plant NoVa Trees aims to inspire tree preservation as well as tree planting. It’s not enough to plant young saplings while we continue to lose so many mature trees to development, invasive vines and insects, and disease. Plant NoVa Trees will soon begin to recruit volunteer Tree Rescuers, train them, and ask them to survey the trees in their neighborhoods to catalog trees in trouble. Property owners will be provided information about how to address any problems and care for their trees. Read about this upcoming effort and sign up to get trained and volunteer here.

This fall, organizations all over our region are invited to put on Celebration of Trees events, and 90 have already answered the call—find an event near you here.  Does your organization want to join in with its own Celebration of Trees event? Get ideas and sign up here. And, here are useful tips for organizing community tree plantings.