Birdability Week: Celebrating Accessible Birding. Join Us for a Special Bird Walk!

Photo: Part of the Five Beaks Birdathon team

Tina Dudley

As part of our ongoing commitment to inclusivity and making birding accessible to everyone, the Northern Virginia Bird Alliance is excited to celebrate Birdability Week! This week is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of accessible birding experiences and ensuring that bird watching is a welcoming activity for all individuals, regardless of mobility challenges or disabilities.

Why Accessibility Matters

Birding should be an activity enjoyed by everyone, and accessibility is a key factor in making this happen. For many, enjoying nature and birdwatching can be difficult if trails and facilities are not designed with accessibility in mind. By promoting accessible birding, we not only open up opportunities for more people to experience the joy of birdwatching, but we also foster a more inclusive community that values everyone’s ability to connect with nature.

Part of the Five Beaks Birdathon team

Accessibility features like level trails, clear signage, and accessible restrooms make a significant difference in allowing people with different abilities to enjoy birding. These features ensure that nature experiences are enjoyable, stress-free, and available to all, enhancing the sense of community and belonging.

Accessibility improvements benefit not only individuals with disabilities but also the broader community. Features such as smooth, well-maintained paths, clear signage, and accessible restrooms enhance the overall usability of spaces for everyone, including those with temporary injuries, parents with strollers, and older adults who may have mobility challenges. Birding is an activity particularly popular with our seniors. By designing and maintaining accessible trails, we ensure that the joy of birding can remain a part of people's lives well into their later years, preserving their connection to nature and their sense of independence.

Join Us for the Birdability Bird Walk

To celebrate Birdability Week and highlight accessible birding opportunities, we invite you to join us for a special Birdability Bird Walk on Sunday, October 27th. Here are the details:

Time: 8:00 AM
Meeting Location: Great Marsh Trailhead, Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge

Directions: Located on Gunston Road, the parking lot is on the right 1.25 miles past High Point Road (which leads to Mason Neck State Park). Look for the 25 mph Speed Limit sign just before the parking lot.

The Great Marsh Trail is an excellent example of an accessible trail, featuring a level and wide asphalt surface for about 0.85 miles, leading to a scenic overlook of the Great Marsh. The trail is wheelchair accessible, ensuring a comfortable birding experience for all participants. For more details on the trail, you can check the Birdability review on the Birdability Location Explorer by searching for "Great Marsh Trail."

We plan to return to the parking lot by 10:00 AM. After the walk, participants may want to tour the Visitor Center, look for birds on Belmont Bay from the concrete pad behind the Visitor Center,  and take a short stroll on the Osprey Trail overlooking Belmont Bay at Mason Neck State Park. Accessible restrooms are available at the Visitor Center for your convenience.

The Friends of Mason Neck State Park are committed to improving accessibility in the park. You can learn more about their Accessibility Program here

Why You Should Attend

This bird walk is a great opportunity for anyone who has a mobility restriction such as a wheelchair, a walker, or someone who would benefit from a more level walking surface, but all are welcome to attend!

It's also a chance to meet like-minded bird enthusiasts and engage with our community in celebrating Birdability Week. Whether you're a seasoned birder or new to the hobby, this event promises to be a rewarding experience.

For any questions or additional information, please feel free to reach out to us. Let’s make birding accessible and enjoyable for everyone!

Happy birding!