Audubon Afternoon Live on January 22!

Photo: Forensic Ornithologist Carla Dove

Join us on Sunday afternoon for our semi-annual live Audubon Afternoon at the National Wildlife Federation, 11100 Wildlife Center Drive in Reston.  

Forensic Ornithologist Carla Dove

We’ll gather informally starting at 2:30 so you have an opportunity to reconnect with everyone. We welcome any food and drink you would like to share with everyone during the informal portion of the program. At 3 PM, we’ll have a presentation by Forensic Ornithologist Dr. Carla Dove, a scientist with the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Carla does specialized research in the microscopic identification of feathers. Her current research involves establishing techniques in this newly developing field within Ornithology, which applies forensic methodologies to determine species of birds from fragmentary evidence using microscopy, whole feather comparisons with museum specimens and DNA 'barcoding'.

The Audubon Afternoon is free, and everyone is welcome to attend. Registration is requested so we have an idea of how many people will attend, but is not required.