ASNV is Looking for New Board Members

Photo: American Robins, Dennis Atwell/Audubon Photography Awards

Would you like to help Audubon Society of Northern Virginia? We’re looking for candidates to join our Board of Directors. Board members help to ensure that ASNV fulfills its mission through oversight of the organization’s activities. They also help manage ASNV’s wide variety of activities through our committees. As a Board member you can:

  • Expand the scope of our activities to underserved communities in Northern Virginia

  • Help plan our classes, workshops, and special events

  • Protect birds, wildlife, and their habitats by submitting testimony and written statements to local, State, and Federal governments

  • Plan bird walks and surveys of birds, butterflies, and other wildlife

  • Work with public land managers to encourage the creation and preservation of wildlife-friendly habitat

  • Write and edit articles for our newsletter and website

  • Ensure that young people learn to love and protect our environment through teacher scholarships, conservation grants to schools, and oversight of student interns.

Our Nominating Committee is evaluating candidates now. If you’re interested, send an email no later than May 5th to, with brief background information and we’ll get in touch with you.