Photo: Yellow Warbler, Sheen Watkins/Audubon Photography Awards
Our Program Administrator Louise Edsall led her team (composed of herself, her husband Bart Edsall and his caregiver, Salay Kamara) on a successful big-day outing. Louise shares her story of the team’s experience below.
The Three Beaks Birdathon Team!
“The three of us had a great time on this adventure. We were amazed at how many species we got just in our backyard at the feeders and nearby brush and woods where our home is located in Manassas. Our newest visitors are the Indigo Buntings, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, and Gray Catbirds. Starting this week, we’ve been seeing six male and six female catbirds at the same time. Those Indigo Buntings are just gorgeous and their songs are beautiful, too. The Red-shouldered Hawk seemed to pass just as I commented, “Now where is that hawk?” Boom, there he was! Same with the Scarlet Tanager which I found while walking down our long driveway to the mailbox. It just pays to be alert!
Our count was limited to wheelchair-accessible places because of Bart’s disability, so the Neabsco Creek Boardwalk and Trails provided a very user-friendly access to the boardwalk and paved trails. We were joined by a young mom and her three-year old son as we were leaving and the young boy tried to race Bart’s wheelchair. Bart’s energy along the walk flushed the Field Sparrow and the Baltimore Oriole. We got the female Orchard Oriole as we entered the boardwalk and the Yellow Warblers put on a show there as well. Bart was at boardwalk wall height which limited his view a bit but he was the first to spot the Osprey which had caught a fish just in front of the “No Fishing” sign. Bart also saw our first Great Blue Heron.The Red-winged Blackbirds were unusually ‘friendly’.
We had a great time outdoors despite the limitations of our access to woodland trails. The three of us had a load of fun. Migration is on full-steam!”
The Three Beaks team identified 62 species across four locations. You can donate here to help this wonderful team reach their fundraising goal of $1,500.