2020 Hog Island Scholarship Winner – Phoebe Riegle

Photo: Examining tide pool organisms, Kirk Treakle

ASNV’s  Youth Education Committee is thrilled to announce Phoebe Riegle as the 2020 recipient of our Hog Island Scholarship.  Each summer, ASNV offers a full scholarship and transportation to “Sharing Nature: An Educator’s Week” at National Audubon Society’s Hog Island Camp in Maine.  While there, educators learn interdisciplinary hands-on methods and approaches to environmental education while immersed in the natural world.  

Ms. Riegle is a fifth-grade teacher at William Ramsay Elementary School in Alexandria, VA.  She hopes to use the lessons learned at Hog Island to better integrate conservation and habitat content with English Language Learning (ELL) strategies across grade levels and subjects.  Ms. Riegle will attend the program in July 2020 before returning to her classroom in the fall.