A Drake and a Hen

Captain: Greg Fleming

Team: Katherine Wychulis

Thanks for supporting A Drake and a Hen and ASNV! Birdathon is one of our biggest fundraising events of the year and helps us:

  • support citizen science and habitat conservation

  • support our efforts to promote native plants to help the birds.

Use the donation form on this page to make an outright donation to A Drake and a Hen, or make a pledge using the form below.

Wrong team? Return to the team list.

Want to start your own team? Click here.

A Drake and a Hen, Katherine Wychulis and Greg Fleming

A Drake and a Hen spent the whole day birding and was rewarded by a rainbow and a glimpse of the Northern Lights! Their final tally? 126! Please celebrate their efforts by making a small donation to their team. Your gift will go towards bird conservation, citizen science, advocacy for bird-friendly legislation, public education and more!

Northern Lights, Katherine Wychulis

Birdathon rainbow, Katherine Wychulis


Pledge Form

Fill out the form below if you’d like to make a pledge for A Drake and a Hen instead of an outright donation. You can pledge per bird or per species seen by the team. A member of the team will reach out to you after Birdathon concludes with the official results. You can then fulfill your pledge by returning to this page and using the donation form above. Thanks for supporting A Drake and a Hen and ASNV!