Video: Wildflower Identification with Marion Lobstein


Video: Wildflower Identification with Marion Lobstein


Spring ephemerals are fleeting and beautiful, blooming from mid-March through late April. Join us for an instructive webinar with expert Marion Lobstein to learn how to identify wildflowers found in Northern Virginia. Marion will cover 15 of the most common wildflowers and provide resources on how to look up other species. She will also share fun facts and historic uses of some of these botanicals.

Marion Lobstein is a founding Board and Life Member of the Virginia Native Plant Society and Professor Emeritus at Northern Virginia Community College. She is the botany chair for the Prince William Wildflower Society and has authored articles for Wild News for 40 years. She also has offered workshops and fieldtrips for that chapter as well as other VNPS chapters. For over 25 years she conducted tours and taught classes for the Smithsonian Resident Associates Program. Her academic degrees include a BSEd (Biology) from Western Carolina University, MAT from UNC-Chapel Hill, and MS in Biology from George Mason University. She is co-author of Finding Wildflowers in the Washington-Baltimore Area and of the video Spring Wildflowers of the Mid-Atlantic Region. Marion is a founding board member of the Flora of Virginia Project and served on that board for 20 years.

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