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Photographing and Viewing Wildlife: Gear, Tips and Ethics with Kristi Odom and Molly Riley

Photo: Molly Riley

When: April 14, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Where: Virtual!
Member ticket: $10
Non-member ticket: $20

Wildlife photographer, filmmaker, and Nikon Ambassador Kristi Odom will be joined by photographer Molly Riley to discuss all things related to bird photography, from lens and camera choices, to autofocus settings. They will not only talk about how to get great shots, but how to do so ethically. This talk is all about gear, behavior (the wildlife as well as our own), and respect.

Part of this event will offer an opportunity for discussion. To aid in conversation, please consider the following reflection questions:

  • How close is too close? What signs or indicators should we look for to know if a bird or wild animal is disturbed by human presence or activity?

  • Have you ever felt concerned about if your own photography or viewing behavior may be disturbing wildlife?

  • When was a time you witnessed a photographer who may have been disturbing or encroaching on wildlife? Did anyone speak up? If so, was it effective or not effective?

Kristi Odom is an internationally acclaimed photographer, a filmmaker, and a sought-after motivational speaker. Kristi's work focuses on connecting people emotionally to animals and celebrating those who have a connection to the natural world.

Molly Riley is an avid nature and wildlife photographer regularly visiting wildlife preserves and parks where she enjoys exploring and learning from birders and other photographers. Molly spent 19 years working as a photojournalist based in Washington D.C. covering news, sports, and politics for several wire services and other outlets.