Image: Barn Swallow, Ronna Fujisawa
When: Wednesday, March 12, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Where: Virtual
Members: $25
Non-members: $35
*This is a digital art class.
In this class, students will paint a Barn Swallow. Your instructor, Ronna Fujisawa of Salty Water Art, will be your guide through the step-by-step process.
This is an online class open to all levels of watercolor painters. Beginners are welcome!
The suggested materials for this class:
Watercolor suggested colors: Indigo Blue (or Paynes Gray), Pyrrol Orange, Naples Yellow, Sap Green, Cerulean Blue, White gouache. Ronna uses Daniel Smith brand tube watercolor paint.
9" x 12” or larger Arches Cold Press 140-pound watercolor paper
#2, #6, #12 round brushes, 1” oval wash brush
Graphite transfer paper for tracing (waxed surface)
Artist tape and board to tape paper down on all four sides for even borders (not on table)
Print-out of the attached photo in color to fit size of your watercolor paper (scroll down for photo, right click to save so you can print it)
Pencil to draw or trace, white eraser, water, paper towels
Computer or tablet for watching the class
Ronna Fujisawa is an avid bird watercolor artist residing in Portland, Oregon. Salt Water Art is her educational practice consisting of classes on how to paint birds and in watercolor and watercolor plein air workshops. For more information or questions, contact