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Webinar: Little Brown Jobs with Larry Meade

Photo: Fox Sparrow, David Boltz/Audubon Photography Awards

When: October 22 , 7:00 - 8:30PM
Fee: $15

Have you been wondering about all those “little brown jobs” in your backyard?  Could you use a little help distinguishing between the House Finches and the Pine Siskins? Song Sparrows and Savannah Sparrows? This workshop will concentrate on identification skills for some of the finches, sparrows, and other similar birds in our region, including both residents and migrants, just in time for the arrival of our cold weather birds. 

Instructor: Larry Meade, a member of the ASNV Education Committee, is president of the Northern Virginia Bird Club and a former board member of the Virginia Society of Ornithology. He has served as a sector leader for a number of years for several local Christmas Bird Counts and is an avid nature photographer.