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Invasive Plant Issues in the General Assembly: A Talk by Jim Hurley

Photo: English Ivy killing a tree, Val Morgan

When: Monday, January 13, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Where: Virtual

Join us at 8 PM on Monday, January 13 for a free webinar on efforts to reduce the spread of invasive plants, which is a hot topic in the current Virginia General Assembly session. Our speaker, Jim Hurley, will discuss the pending legislation on invasive plants, as well as proposed budget amendments that would provide more funding to combat invasives.  He'll also provide advice on how to support the legislative proposals and how to help with the emerging elements of a statewide strategy to address the challenge of invasive plants.

Jim is a member of the Boards of Directors of Blue Ridge PRISM, Virginia Native Plant Society, and Piedmont Environmental Council. He has worked on invasive plants for 25 years, including the last 10 years on Virginia legislative and regulatory policy with the PRISM and partner organizations.