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“Natural Filters in the Anacostia River: The Recovery of an Urban Waterway” with Jorge Bogantes Montero

Photo: Anacostia River near Kingman Island

When: Tuesday, August 16, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Where: Virtual
Member ticket: $15
Non-member ticket: $25

Learn about the great recovery of the biodiversity of the aquatic ecosystems in the Anacostia River.

The lives of all the birds and other wildlife along the river are directly affected by the health of the Anacostia River.

For more than three decades, the Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS) has been working on recovering the Anacostia River's ecosystems, especially its natural filters. After decades of restoration, education and advocacy work we are seeing a great recovery of the biodiversity of the aquatic ecosystems in the Anacostia River. This presentation will be a virtual tour to the river and a tale of recovery of what once was a neglected urban waterway in the nation's capital.

Join us to learn from Natural Resources Specialist at the Anacostia Watershed Society, Jorge Bogantes Montero. He leads ecological restoration efforts on public parklands in the Anacostia River watershed, including wetland restoration, tree plantings, meadow creation, SAV propagation, mussel propagation, wildlife monitoring, and invasive plant management. Mr. Bogantes Montero has a Bachelor's degree in Natural Resource Management and Protection from the Universidad Estatal a Distancia in San Jose, Costa Rica, his native country. Before moving to the U.S., Jorge worked in Costa Rica on tropical biodiversity conservation.

An optional boat ride field trip on the Anacostia will take place Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 9:00am for 20 participants. First come, first serve. A link to register for the boat trip will be sent out upon registration for the webinar.