As properties become certified as Wildlife Sanctuaries, we register the sanctuary and capture associated information including location, acreage, property type and jurisdiction to display the results with our GIS Mapping Application. We are working to preserve the natural heritage of our dynamic region one property at a time. As of March 23, 2024 we have certified 1,039 properties on 9,806 acres. Check out our progress in the interactive map below.
Click the button above to interact with the Wildlife Sanctuary Program Web Mapping Application. In addition to providing a larger map viewing window this application includes a suite of additional map layers that allow you to view relationships between each of the certified properties and their surrounding geographic features. These features include wetlands, parks and public spaces, watersheds, important bird areas, roads, and more.
Users are encouraged to explore the application's various functions (Time Slider, Query, Charts/Graphs, Measurements) in order to better understand the program and it's progress towards providing food and habitat for native bird communities. The map will be continually updated with new certified property points, layers, and analytical functions, so stay tuned for more! Share this with anyone interested in participating in the Wildlife Sanctuary Program, or anyone with an interest in bird-friendly communities, GIS/web mapping, and citizen science.
Please contact us with any questions, concerns, or insights regarding this web mapping application or our Sanctuary program results.
Our thanks to our GIS volunteers from esri and CorpGIS for their GIS expertise in presenting our data in this Wildlife Sanctuary GIS Map.